Tuesday, April 9All That Matters

My sister, my father and I in 1989. He was a fireman and still found the time to play with us after work 3 days straight.

My sister, my father and I in 1989. He was a fireman and still found the time to play with us after work 3 days straight.

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  • StormzysMum

    I’m sure you guys helped him deal with the stress of the job and forget some of the things he saw that day. They work so hard, are so brave and are incredible. Having the family to come home to and playing with you and your sister probably kept him going some days!

  • VolubleKlondike363

    I had/have a highly stressful job and it took a toll on both of me and my wife. But god how I loved to get home and play with those three boys. Looking back I can not believe the schedule I kept between the office, coaching them, scouts, hockey, homework and the endless details of thir lives. Thirty plus years later I could not imagine doing it again..

    But how I loved it. I swear they were my finest years on this planet.

  • DeepSouthDude

    Chill with the fireman slobber, guys. He’s not putting out a fire and going into a burning building everyday. Most of his time is spent washing the truck, working out, going to the supermarket, cooking meals, and sleeping.

    Of course when something big happens, we’re all glad they exist. But how many fires are there, where a fireman is in danger? Once or twice per year, at the most? Why would dude in the pic be tired?

  • FalcorFliesMePlaces

    Being a dad now and seeing his happiness. I’d say all he thought about for three days was playing with his children. Nothing as great as being a dad. IMO

  • ahhhskeetX46969

    This is awesome. My grandparents raised my sister and I and worked their asses off (he was a waterman that bred and sold shellfish and she was a shift manager at a diner) to provide for us. But, they were NEVER too tired or too busy to spend time with us. My grandfather would come home from a 12 hr day and still play with us outside or take us for walks in the woods and they never missed a school or sporting event.

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