Monday, July 1All That Matters

My parents on their wedding day in 94′, holding a Coca Cola can

My parents on their wedding day in 94′, holding a Coca Cola can

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  • kriebz

    Haha, the best picture of me and my wife at our wedding banquet, there’s a Pepsi can on the table in the foreground. Totally unintentional, and it just steals the attention of the otherwise perfect picture. Photographer blurred it out in photoshop. Juxtapose this picture, where they are just showing it off.

  • takemebacktonyc

    Such a cute photo. When my brother in law first arrived to the US from France, he had a Marlboro music jacket. Don’t know if it’s true but he said that advertising tobacco products was forbidden. Seeing the can of coke reminded me of that

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