Thursday, April 11All That Matters

My mentor, confidant, and the best friend I ever had. He was a total badass that loved his liquor, fast cars, and women. Nearly 50 years my senior, but it never mattered. Our friendship was ageless. Mr Joseph Fortenberry. 21 years old at the time this photo was taken. March 1956

My mentor, confidant, and the best friend I ever had. He was a total badass that loved his liquor, fast cars, and women. Nearly 50 years my senior, but it never mattered. Our friendship was ageless. Mr Joseph Fortenberry. 21 years old at the time this photo was taken. March 1956

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  • Nobody_Will_Observe

    I flubbed posting a couple of times because I thought the first submission hadn’t gone through due to not adding the date in the title. Apologies.

    He was such an extraordinary gentleman. For some reason I felt compelled to tell him all of my secrets, and he told me his. He was one in a billion and I’ll never find another like him. He comes to me in my dreams to let me know he’s doing fine and nothing ails him any longer. I miss him every day.

  • TenRingRedux

    I will drink a toast to your friend Joe because you brought back so many memories of good, good friends of mine that have gone on. Thank you.

  • icubud

    thanks for sharing

    as u remember and write em down, do share
    the desc of the fella makes me wish I had known him or had someone like that in my life
    u were fortunate mister

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