Saturday, July 27All That Matters

My Grandmother’s high school senior year photo from the early 60’s!

My Grandmother’s high school senior year photo from the early 60’s!

My Grandmother’s high school senior year photo from the early 60’s!

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  • RynnReeve

    This is fabulous. I am always fascinated by the ability of older hairstyles to not only be enormous but to defy gravity as well lol

    Edit: wording

  • nellie_1017

    Here’s some true trivia, children- I was a young teen when this style became popular with young women, & some of the ‘older’ ladies HATED IT! Sooo… a ‘story’ started going around; the source was always: ‘I heard it at church’… ‘a woman at the grocery story’… ‘my cousin’s friend’ (etc., etc., etc., with variations)… “there was this girl who got a beehive, & she was so happy with it that she slept so as not to mess it up, & didn’t wash her hair for WEEKS. Well, a fly landed on her hair & made its way down to her scalp & laid eggs. They hatched into lice & started eating her scalp, eventually making their way through her skull & *EATING HER BRAIN, AND OF COURSE SHE DIED!…* AND THEY ALL BELIEVED IT!! I guess we still have folks around today who don’t seem to possess critical thinking skills!

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