Thursday, April 11All That Matters

My friend and I trying to settle an argument and using the same source to prove each other wrong. But the process failed miserably.

My friend and I trying to settle an argument and using the same source to prove each other wrong. But the process failed miserably.

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  • hpsctchbananahmck

    For those still wondering…

    The American Psychiatric Association recognizes only ADHD, with diagnostic criteria relayed in the DSM-V. So…NJ wins I guess?


    Edit again with further clarification:
    ADHD can be hyperactive type or inattentive type or combined, but it all falls under the umbrella of ADHD as far as the shrinks categorize.

  • Midknight129

    From what I’ve heard, the next DSM should re-categorize ADHD/ADD into a spectrum-type disorder, and hopefully taking out the misleading “deficit” portion. If it were up to me, I’d call it something like Attention Management Spectrum Disorder (AMSD). Because there are lots of different factors that go into it, and people will have different levels of various different symptom groups; executive dysfunction, motivation, focus, follow-through, hyperactivity, etc.

  • Interesting-Month-56

    They are the same thing with different presentation.

    OMG OMG UH UH OMG what are we talking about? <—- ADHD

    OMG what are we talking about? <—- ADD

  • HearMeh

    If you have ADHD try using Azstarys. It’s a new med and works great. Quick onset and No appetite suppression.

    Also Markiplier uses it

  • WhoopingJamboree

    In my book, Texas answer gets more points for the extra detail. ADD is the old terminology and ADHD is current. There are sub-types of ADHD to cover the most prominent symptoms, although could probably do with some additions. Not sure why anyone still uses ADD, as the name changed in 1987!

  • Echidna-Resident

    Both of those results are the same article just displaying different parts of it as the description for the search result, lol.

  • zzjjoeyd

    search engines are designed to give you the answers that you have shown the most information bias twords. They answer based on the users historical input. Thats one reason why sources are important

  • capt-yossarius

    As far as I’m concerned (as a lifelong sufferer myself), the very name should be retired, in the same way Multiple Personality Disorder became Disassociative Identity Disorder.

    It seems to me Attention Deficit Disorder and the later Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder are named after what inconveniences other people around the patient (especially parents and teachers of child patients) endure, rather that what the patient themselves actually experience.

    It should be named Executive Function Deficit Disorder, which is a rather more accurate description of the problem

  • TimberwolfVII

    People this day and age forget it’s just a search engine and not necessarily the truthful 😒 baaaaaack in myyyyy dayyyyy ……

  • United_Row_2654

    The difference is ADHD is seen in a child and ADD in an adult. So untreated ADHD leads to ADD in adult… One cannot have ADD if he/she didn’t had ADHD in his/her childhood.

    Source – I am a med student

  • Altaira99

    You didn’t use the same source, you used the same search engine. You need to dig a layer or two deeper to get to a source, then you have to evaluate the likely reliability of the source.

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