Monday, April 8All That Matters

My favorite patient of 2022 (OC) (Im a wildlife rehabber)

My favorite patient of 2022 (OC) (Im a wildlife rehabber)

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  • rrkrabernathy

    Aww.. the beaver looks a little perturbed, which is probably normal for a rescue but it seems that it’s in good hands.

    Nice work. Hopefully the Beave can be made strong enough to go back. And if not, will have a rewarding life of ease.

  • devilscherries

    People called and asked me if they “should be able to pick up an adult beaver”. I said absolutely not, if you picked up an adult beaver, something is wrong and they need to come in. They were wonderful and agreed to bring it an hour away to our center. Animals get miss IDed by the public all the time and beavers don’t come in often so I figured it was a muskrat or something. When I peeked into the tub they brought it in, I promptly shut it and said to my interns “Holy shit, it’s an actual beaver.” I had never worked with one before. After examening her and getting her into one of our hospital cages, we determined she had severe mastitis from nursing. We didn’t have any outdoor enclosures that would hold a beaver, she’d chew through all of them. So we called around and none of the other centers would accept her. So we rigged one of our outdoor pens to contain her and bought her a huge water trough. We asked the public for different tree branches of specific kind and they definitely delivered! We had to syringe feed/medicate her for a while and she took it all like a champ. Barely ever tried to tail slap us or charge until she started to feel better. It was so amazing to work with her. When we took her for release, we asked the rescuers if we could bring her back there. They were so happy to agree and helped us release her on the ONLY creek anywhere near them. She walked in without hesitation and took off down the creek leisurely like she knew exactly where she was headed.

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