Wednesday, April 17All That Matters

Memories of fear and nightmares.

Memories of fear and nightmares.

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  • mkul316

    I wish we could get a quality remake of this game. No major gameplay changes, just some qol upgrades and new graphicssound. That would scratch the nostalgia itch so well.

  • Bobby3127

    I never knew about the stair well trick… I always found a jail type wall with a door that I could close behind me and shoot through the openings.

    It made it that much more intense because I had to get inside the jail and close the door while he was right on my tail and it was a clunky system. Half the time I wouldn’t close it in time and I’d just get rekt.

    Good memories in this game tho.

  • commschamp

    Random question: anyone remember the name of another top down looking game that was set in outer space and super bloody? SNES or PS1 I think.

  • ReelBigPIG

    I’ve been playing the GOG version a bit lately. I had forgotten how creepy the game is.

    The game also has a lot of class freedom you don’t see much in ARPGs anymore. For example any class can use any spell if you meet the stat requirements.

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