Sunday, April 14All That Matters

Me. Christmas 1992.

Me. Christmas 1992.

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  • cigarandcreamsoda

    Let’s see, at least three TMNT items? Check. Obligatory RC car? Check. One box that most definitely contains either a dress shirt or sweater, unopened and buried beneath much cooler stuff? Check. You are most definitely a 90’s kid. Bonus for the floral pattern couch and bowl cut.

  • TehOuchies

    I still have the two plastic swords that came with Leo. Just not Leo. 🙁

    And some rifle that came with one of Shredders Mutants.

    My box of random toys just has bits and pieces of left over toys. 🙁

  • DiggingThisAir

    I do believe I had one of those ninja turtles. I still have a few of my action figures but I forgot about those bigger dolls

  • cureforhiccupsat4am

    This is the one I can relate to the most. People don’t understand that before superheroes movies of today and power rangers, tmnt was the shit. I was obsessed.

    That room and that couch could’ve been my living room in buffalo ny.

    How old are you today? About 39?

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