Thursday, May 16All That Matters

McDonalds worker in 1980.

McDonalds worker in 1980.

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  • SoylentGrunt

    Customer: I’d like 3 Big Mac’s, 2 orders of fries, 2 chocolate shakes, a large Coke, and a medium Diet Coke please.

    Pretty Girl With A Smile: That’ll be 40 cents please .

    Customer: Hold on I don’t want to break a one dollar bill. Let me see if I have any change.

  • morels4ever

    Old enough to remember a free Big Mac if you could quickly say


  • inkseep1

    Right around 1980, McDonalds had a deal where if you got an A on your report card you got a free burger. It was supposed to be one free burger for an A for that report card. However, every cashier we ran into would count the A’s and give us one burger per A. My brothers and I got all A’s and there were 9 grades on each report card so we would get 9 burgers for free. And we would hit more than one store and even go back the next day because they didn’t mark the report card in any way. One cashier counted all the A’s from all the 9 week periods so far and gave us 27 burgers each. Back then the burgers were sitting in a warmer so they could just grab a lot of them without waiting. I used to like only ketchup on the burgers but because I didn’t want to wait to have 9 to 27 burgers made plain which could draw attention of a manager, I just took them with everything and decided I liked them that way. But most of the time I would pick off the pickles. I am not really a fan of the pickles so now that they are all made after ordering I get them without pickles.

  • AXPendergast

    I’m proud to say that I wore that uniform style from 1979-1981, usually worked breakfast weekends and lunch/dinner during the week. It really wasn’t that bad.

  • ghrosenb

    In 1980 I was just entering high school. There was a McDonald’s across the street and it was staffed mostly by kids from the school. Not one but TWO really cute girls I had crushes on worked the registers after school. I ate at McDonald’s a lot.

    My standard order was three cheeseburgers, medium fries and a medium Dr. Pepper.

    Cost: $2.35

    And I was skinny!

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