Wednesday, May 1All That Matters

Married couple Mildred and Richard Loving answer questions at a press conference the day after the US Supreme Court ruled in their favor in Loving v. Virginia. June 13, 1967

Married couple Mildred and Richard Loving answer questions at a press conference the day after the US Supreme Court ruled in their favor in Loving v. Virginia. June 13, 1967

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  • 305FUN

    Loving v. Virginia is considered one of the most significant legal decisions of the civil rights era. By declaring Virginia’s anti-miscegenation law unconstitutional, the Supreme Court ended prohibitions on interracial marriage and dealt a major blow to segregation.

  • chopchohp

    Just for some context because I had to look it up as a non American.

    “Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967), was a landmark civil rights decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that laws banning interracial marriage violate the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.”

    America you’ve had some truely gross laws. So glad to see it’s getting better /s

    I couldn’t believe the government could decide who you can and can’t marry. Wild stuff

  • Gemmabeta

    Virginia is for lovers.

    Although certain counties got in hot water in 2021 when people thought the marriage license application paperwork requiring people to write down their racial status, picking from such a list as “Mulatto, Quadroon, Octoroon, Aryan, Blackamoor” and such was a touch racist.

  • Sea_Young8549

    Am I the only one thinking about a man named Richard…aka “Dick” during that time period…last name Loving?

  • 2xa1s

    That woman looks like she’s fed up with this shit. Can’t blame her. Imagine having to fight a lawsuit to be able to love another adult.

  • thefuzzybunny1

    I did a report on the history of anti-miscegenation laws when I was in high school, around 2006. When I explained interracial marriage was illegal in 13 states until 1967, one kid interrupted to say, “I’m sure that wasn’t being enforced.” So I told him that law enforcement *broke into the Lovings’ bedroom* to catch them in the act of having sex (they’d gotten married in DC, where it was legal, but lived in Virginia, where it was illegal.) They were put through the indignity of being arrested, naked, for having sex with their spouse.

  • stuckinaboxthere

    I love the title of this court case specifically because of Virginia’s catchphrase “Virginia is for Lovers”, apparently only if you sue for it.

  • sonia72quebec

    Sadly he died in 1975 in a car accident caused by a drunk driver. (Mildred lost sight in her right eye.)

    She died in 2008.

  • subterkludge

    None of the government’s fucking business. The USA is the most laughably hypocritical country on the planet.

  • theeeeeeeeman

    I don’t remember seeing inter racial marriage as being allowed in the Constitution.

    Looks like another precedent to overturn.

  • randalthor23

    Thanks to this couple and other activists & lawyers I was able to get married to my wife.


    The rights and privilege’s we have are not “set in stone”, we must nourish and strengthen our democracy to ensure we can continue harvesting its fruit of freedom.

  • typhoidmarry

    I know a woman who was married into that family, I think a grandchild. I asked if anyone ever talked about the case, she said “nope”.

  • Music_City_Madman

    Back from 1953-1969, this country had a Supreme Court that actually had the backbone to do progressive shit to help Americans and advance civil rights. During that period you saw: beginning of the end of school segregation, right to counsel, Miranda warnings, one person one vote, right to privacy and contraception, limiting forced school prayer, free speech and student speech, and ending race-based restrictions on marriage.

    Now certain members of our Supreme Court are more concerned with risking women’s lives in the name of religious fundamentalism.

    We need more Earl Warrens, Thurgood Marshalls, William Brennans and William O. Douglases. Dobbs never would have been contemplated on their watch.

  • fugensnot

    I think this is the only photo I’ve seen of the two of them where he doesn’t have this grip on her neck in the badly staged photo.

  • Tarkins_Love_Child

    Always like this case. Dude looks like the most racist guy ever. But he has an uno reverse card ready.

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