Thursday, July 4All That Matters

Managed to Capture a Photo of our Milky Way Galaxy From the Plane

Managed to Capture a Photo of our Milky Way Galaxy From the Plane

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  • wdd09

    On a recent (unfortunately short) vacation I had the opportunity to try to capture a photo I’ve never had the chance to capture before; the Milky Way Galaxy from a plane. While I wasn’t a fan of the early (5:20am) flight north out of Jacksonville, it did provide this awesome photo opportunity. I even managed to capture the planets Venus and Mercury in this shot. It wasn’t an easy image to capture either as the light from inside of the cabin had to be blocked out, and finding a stable spot for the tripod for the 6 second exposures was difficult.
    Such a different perspective seeing our galaxy from the air.

    Image details:

    8 exposures of the sky stacked together to reduce noise. Base images were captured with a Viltrox 20mm, Sony a7ii, f/2.8, ISO 10,000 and 6 second exposures.

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