Friday, April 26All That Matters

Love horror movies? Let’s have some fun…

Love horror movies? Let’s have some fun…

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  • NickSalvo

    The Ultimate Horror List challenge


    31 films (min)

    40 films (max)

    Include a horror film from every decade between 1920 and 2020.

    Also include:

    a Vampire

    a Zombie

    a Werewolf

    a Monster

    a Slasher

    a Ghost

    a Witch

    a Devil/Demon

    a Haunted House

    a Giallo film

    a Splatter/Gore film

    a Body horror film

    a Comedy horror film

    a Science Fiction horror film

    a Folk horror film

    a Psychological horror film

    Each film must have a rating of 6.0 or higher on IMDb.

    Include as many foreign films as possible.

    Finally, the ultimate challenge for me was I needed to own physical copies of the films to include them on the list. You don’t need to place that restriction on yourself unless you want to.

    Have fun with it! And please share your lists in the comments. Thanks.

    Happy Haunted October.

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