Thursday, April 11All That Matters

Love and hate relationship with this guy (Doom Eternal screen by me)

Love and hate relationship with this guy (Doom Eternal screen by me)

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  • LostMyKarmaElSegundo

    Pure hate from me.

    The devs made it so you have to use very specific attacks to take him out, and I find that sort of mechanic kind of annoying. Got even worse in the DLCs.

  • Expert_Fishing3742

    He’s one of the more fun demons to fight. Love the guy. Especially having 2 of them or hyper buffed ones. People that complain are people who are bad at the game or lack imagination in combat.

  • Bitcoinatemymom

    I love and hate that gun placement

    Edit: it really looks like he’s just holding it with two fingers 😬

  • FedoraChronicles

    Hated him, but it’s really cool how when your skill level gets better, your entire perception of the enemies change.

    Used to hate him because he was stupid difficult and had ridiculously specific weapons to use.

    Now though? I just dislike him because he breaks up the slaughter, but it takes me like 20-30 seconds at most. As I got better, my entire perception of him changed, same with the Doom Hunter, it’s honestly trippy for me to think about.

    Learn how to quick swap between Super Shotgun and Ballista, it’s a fucking lifesaver.

    Great game, and as someone bordering on atheism, that music is a gift from God.

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