Thursday, April 25All That Matters

Look at this jerk on my flight back home.

Look at this jerk on my flight back home.

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  • Grizzled--Kinda

    I’m finding that there’s an indeterminate age where kids are perceived as either adorable or are they are assholes. Also, their parents should play a heavy roll. This little kids leg is adorable. Because you know they’re not being malicious, but a six and up year old? Fuck that.

  • Broking37

    OHHHHHHHH. It’s a baby foot. It took me way too long to figure that one out. I thought it was some weird appendage or a bandaged dog paw.

  • vinsite

    On a 2 hour flight I sat next to a 12 year old boy and his 15 year old sister, the parents were seated in front of me (I’m guesstimating the kids ages). About an hour in, the boy falls asleep and leans on my shoulder as a pillow. Doesn’t move the entire rest of the flight. It wasn’t a big deal. The sister fell asleep too. When we finally land, the sister wakes up and sees that he is almost on top of me. She looks at me like, I am so sorry. She then begins to shake him to wake him up. This little bastard wakes up and starts swinging. Whacks his sister right in the face. All I could think about is, thank God I didn’t try to wake this kid up. If he swung at my face the same way I don’t know how I would have handled it.

  • Arth3r911

    If that leg is not moving I would leave that alone be very cautious of what you do next. That’s a tickling time bomb. Lol

    Edit: thanks Lost-my-mind**

  • nomercyvideo

    On sunday I was on a flight, and some adult laid across all three seats and his legs stuck out across the aisle and touched the seat across the asile.

    Some people are the worst!

  • HiCanIPetYourCat

    I (American) was on a long haul transatlantic flight to Spain on the outer of the four middle seats of a wide body, and there was an exhausted looking French or maybe Belgian family taking up the rest of the middle row. All I know is they had an infant, a toddler, and the two adults that spoke as much of my language as I did of theirs. None. Their kids were tired and noisy and squirming all over and they obviously felt bad bc they were rotating the three seats between four various sized people and I had random kid pieces bouncing off of me for a good ten minutes after the seatbelt sign turned off post takeoff.

    Eventually the toddler ended up in the seat next to me with both parents distracted with the infant, she looked up at me, and then she just I guess said fuck it and went into snuggle mode and latched on to me and just passed out. I’m a 6’3 250 lumberjack looking dude looking as American gothy hipster as possible, and this is a family of very proper seeming, very posh dressed petite French(ish) people. They eventually noticed that the toddler was basically using my leg and shoulder as a stuffed animal and did an :O face and I died laughing inside but tried to communicate that it’s fine bc she was finally asleep and the whole situation was adorable af, and they understood, were able to focus on the infant, and then I had a whole ass Belgian family passed out next to me, including a random baby attached to the left side of my body, and that was that. The kid eventually migrated back to her mom on her left, but that was the most adorable flight I’ve ever been on.


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