Tuesday, April 2All That Matters

Led Zeppelin IV (1971) has a rating of 4.11 out of 5 on Rateyourmusic, rapper Kendrick Lamar’s modern classics GKMC & TPAB have ratings off 4.26 & 4.33 respectfully

Led Zeppelin IV (1971) has a rating of 4.11 out of 5 on Rateyourmusic, rapper Kendrick Lamar’s modern classics GKMC & TPAB have ratings off 4.26 & 4.33 respectfully

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  • MEI72

    I’d be willing to bet the ven diagram of those that have actually listened to Zepp 4 all the way through and those that have done the same with Lamar barely intersect at all.

  • bthayes28

    All three are phenomenal. Zep IV is a classic, but both of the Kendrick albums altered the perception of what modern rap is and how it’s perceived. It’s always tough to compare different genres from different eras too. I mean, I can’t help but wonder how many of the hardcore Zep fans are rating albums on RateYourMusic.

  • FaithVoidSplit_II

    That’s nice. Why do you care so much how classic rock albums compare to modern hip hop albums in terms of how high the fans of each rate them on that particular website? Do you work for the website? I wonder how high that led zep album would rate if 16 year old led zep fans could have rated the album on the website in 1971? I’m guessing it would do better than a 50 year old recording barely known to people under 40. Do you think there are lots of people in their 70s who were moved by led zepplin sitting around rating their favorite albums on rateyourmusic? Pretty sure there are lots of people in their 20s sitting around rating the favorite recordings from their adolescence on rateyourmusic. So not only are we talking apples and oranges, we are also talking a very skewed sampling.

  • bubbashouze

    Myself and pretty much all of my friends are people who’ve listened to all of these all the way through and many times over. I don’t think you could even attempt to compare them. Besides ratings like this are useless masterbatury bullshit anyways

  • commondenom

    i absolutely hate kendrick lamar….his music is boring and his voice is irritating AF and the guy can’t keep time to save his life…..over-rated hack

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