Monday, April 8All That Matters

Job application drug question

Job application drug question

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  • Spot00174

    I use to work at a place that asked this question. Any answer that was not “do not use” would disqualify you from employment. We said it was part of the “intelligence test.”

  • ChaosReality69

    The way things are with hiring right now the last 2 options would give you a start date where I work.

  • TheLeopardColony

    Smh, can’t even do meth on special occasions anymore without people getting all up in your business about it.

  • TheMercilessHobo

    If you use meth and are stupid enough to not lie on this, then you probably shouldn’t get the job. Seems like more of an idiocy elimination than a drug test.

  • LazyEights

    The point is to make it seem like light use might be a reasonable answer, so you feel more comfortable being “honest”. But any answer other than “Do not use” will get your application thrown out. Applying as a firefighter I had to take a multiple choice behavioral analysis questionnaire that was over 200 questions phrased almost exactly like this.

    >How often do you steal from your job? No stealing? Occasionally? Often?

    >On a scale of 1-5, how angry would you say you are at the end of the work day?

    >How much do you agree with the statement “People from different backgrounds than me are still good people?” Strongly disagree? Mostly disagree? Neutral? Mostly agree? Strongly agree?

    The sad part is that people actually fail these tests.

  • Mundane_Character365

    I would be very weary of applying for a job that doesn’t call a drug by its full name. How difficult is it to write Methamphetamine in their questionnaire?

    Shows a lack of respect for the drug if you ask me.

  • DaveInLondon89

    It’s a trick question to weed out anyone who uses meth *at all*, because ‘3 or 4 times a year’ would sound relatively tame to a drug addict and more likely for them to think it’s an acceptable answer when read in comparison to the other choices.

    But it’s not, because it’s meth innit

  • Nanteen666

    I had to do a morals test at a work job in the 80s like this. Where the question was about theft from the company. The answer choices were you think it’s okay to steal a lot from work, or you think it’s okay to steal a little from work. Not stealing from work was not an option

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