Saturday, July 13All That Matters

Jimmy Fallon, The Roots & The Super Mario Bros. Movie Cast Sing the Super Mario Bros. Theme Song

Jimmy Fallon, The Roots & The Super Mario Bros. Movie Cast Sing the Super Mario Bros. Theme Song

Jimmy Fallon, The Roots & The Super Mario Bros. Movie Cast Sing the Super Mario Bros. Theme Song

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  • TrueFinalBossKony420

    Anya Taylor-Joy, I’ll save you. I’ll become the number #1 cartel lord on Earth, so you can appear in any artistic movie you want.

    Though, I assume this Mario movie will be great cause Miyamato has autistic-focus when it comes to what he wants out of the franchise and won’t just go for a lazy animated cash-grab. I hope Mario & Luigi have a moment akin to the RPG games where they showcase why they are the perfect brotherly duo.

  • apeinej

    Pure fun. Not expecting much from the movie, so if it is minimally good, I’ll be very happy. Oh, and Anna Taylor-Joy, of course.


    I usually love when he makes these songs but half the cast seemed bored doing it. Only Keegan and Jack Black really seemed enthusiastic

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