Saturday, May 18All That Matters

I’ve been on a bit of an old school/ boomer FPS binge in the past few weeks (Thanks Civvie 11) and throughout it i was genuinely surprised how well some Build Engine games like Blood hold up graphically

I’ve been on a bit of an old school/ boomer FPS binge in the past few weeks (Thanks Civvie 11) and throughout it i was genuinely surprised how well some Build Engine games like Blood hold up graphically

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  • ivthreadp110

    Heretic was a cool game too. Is blood or was it heretic where you had the flare gun that was awesome because you’d shoot people with it and then they’d catch on fire and be flaming zombies?

  • moodoomoo

    Love the old school.

    On the Oculus there is a port of zdoom that is pretty great. It even comes with a good mod and wad list to download. It’s really wild to play doom in VR, its like something I’d dream of doing when I first played it as a kid.

  • Absolutedisgrace

    Spites hold up a lot better than early 3d polygons. These days we can up the res and even re-rerender in new engines. These games are still a blast to play!

  • GrandMaster_Azrael

    Civvie 11 and MandaloreGaming and LGR are great yotubers if you want to get in to old school PC games.

    Man When it comes to old school FPS im not sure If Blood or Duke 3D is my top 1 or maybe both and Shadow warrior is my second favorite.

  • Pokemaniac_Btdubbs

    Just saying if you are enjoying these types of games right now there is a boomer bundle for 90 style shooters on humble bundle. It ends in a couple days I think.

  • simburger

    I somehow missed this one back in the day. Picked it up last year and played through it to teach myself flick-stick & gyro controls. It was a lot of fun, game still holds up very well (not counting the god awful early CG cutscenes).

  • TokyoBaguette

    ok so what are the good boomer shooters now?

    Done the Serious Sams / DOOMs / Amid Evil / Dusk (may be the best recent) / Prodeus (v good)…

    Anything else?

  • myguydied

    Blood, what a game!

    Starring a dead guy rising from the grave who quotes Shakespeare and sings Sinatra (and goes guns akimbo)

  • Pixelated_Piracy

    what source port are you using? i usually use BuildGDX but have thought about trying nBlood because the mouse look just feels funky

    also there are some great mods for Blood! i use a weapon pack and LOTS of campaigns. one of the best is getting an update or id say play it asap, Deathwish.

    highly suggest Duke Nukem: Alien Armageddon, its quite possibly the highest quality mod ive ever played.

  • 2Troll2Palico

    There’s a timeless quality to good sprite work. Throw in many fan and community engine upgrades with good uprezing and the like and you have a genre of games that manages to still look today the way I remember them looking 20 and 30 years ago (as opposed to looking worse than the memory)

  • RuneterranSnap

    Blood is amazing, and if you haven’t checked out Deathwish I HIGHLY suggest it.

    Also look into Cultic, a modern game heavily inspired by Blood but managing to do its own thing.

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