Friday, May 31All That Matters

It’s too bad this game didn’t sell better. Perfect game to play handheld.

It’s too bad this game didn’t sell better. Perfect game to play handheld.

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  • C__T__P

    Think it would’ve sold better if they:

    1. Didn’t add their unnecessary launcher that gives performance a heavy hit on PC.

    2. Didn’t add microtransactions.

    Enjoy tough!

  • Sesim_Mocke

    I enjoyed this game way more than I thought I would. Definitely worth a look, especially on sale. The card system is a little annoying at times but overall it was fun and engaging. The interactions were really good, too. The whole book club thing between Blade, Carol and Steve was just adorable. Just disappointed they set up a sequel that will probably never happen.

  • trio3224

    I really liked the card combat system. Unfortunately I hated everything else about it lol. Really didn’t like the social sim side because almost none of the characters felt like they should, plus it was all meaningless filler banter instead of actual deep conversations. I really didn’t like how you had to check like 6 things every in game day too, like it’s a free to play mobile game. And I really hate the morality system for a number of reasons.

    Have you played “slay the spire”? Another strategy card based combat game that would be amazing for handheld.

  • Nordom77

    I think one of the problems might be that there aren’t that big of an overlap between people liking Marvel and people liking tactics games.


    I just recently bought this game at 50% of on Steam and have been enjoying it. But the reason I didn’t buy it earlier was that I don’t care much about Marvel and I am sure there are people who are in the opposite camp of liking Marvel, but not caring much about the tactics gameplay.

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