Thursday, April 18All That Matters

It hurts, it HURTS.

It hurts, it HURTS.

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  • NerdOfHeart

    Damn… I’m old. I remember waiting in line at GameStop to pick this bad boy up for my Xbox 360.

    You know you’re getting old when you remember getting the original games that are getting “anniversary” bundles now.

  • Project_Wild

    One of my fondest gaming memories was driving over two hours to buy an Xbox with Halo CE (grew up in a very rural environment) and immediately taking it to a friends where we played the whole campaign and just were completely blown away as previously all we had was a Sega Genesis.

    Playing the remastered a few years back where you could toggle between old and new graphics on the fly was super cool. Such an amazing game for its time.

  • Beautiful_Move_2431

    Unless I’m mistaken, the top image is Halo CE without the graphics update, and I know for a fact the bottom image is Halo 3. Still, it’s really hard to believe that Halo 3 came out about 15 years ago. Even though, yes, its not the absolute best and shit and definitely had its flaws, it’s still an amazing game that I’ve put hundreds of hours into. As for Halo CE, I believe it’s 21 years old now? Maybe I’m just thinking of the release of Xbox or maybe they were just both released around the same time? I wasn’t alive 21 years ago, nor do I have exactly the best memory despite all the shit above this, but I think it was released 21 years ago. Also an amazing game. Another thing for me that makes these games so unique is the storyline and basically just the events that happen. My favorite Halo is definitely Halo 3, I love the story of going back to rescue Cortana from Truth, activating the rings, and finally cleansing all Flood. It’s also interesting just to learn mie about the enemy, the flood, and just how they function. Halo CE also has an amazing story, I loved learning about the Library and just other stuff in general throughout the game. Once again, both games are awesome and I highly recommend playing both (don’t forget to play Halo 2!) I know this is a very lengthy paragraph, but it’s necessary for 2 such influential and truly incredible games.

  • G_Man42

    Getting sick of this meme. We get it, time passes. I’ve got better things to do that wistful sighing about the impermance of life.

  • nibberjigger

    Guys ENOUGH!! 15 yrs ago is not a long time.. if you think like this that this screenshot os from 2007 you will not be much surprised.

  • robert3030

    TBH the difference between the two pictures is only 6 years, the graphic advance between the 6 and 7 gen graphics was pretty amazing, i remember comparing GTA SA and GTA IV and thinking that it was incredible.

  • Negative-Squirrel81

    It’s less that we’ve aged than games don’t really look *that* much better than they did 20 years ago. Since we’ve gotten older we expect old games to look… old, so we think back to the pixel and low poly graphics.

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