Friday, April 12All That Matters

Is that… BRAILLE!?!?

Is that… BRAILLE!?!?

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  • SecretPressure9813

    what, you don’t think blind kids are friends with sighted kids? Maybe they’re curious what it is they’re friends are looking at or talking about

  • archiangel

    I saw this image right and at first thought with the title that there was a really fine and dense Braille text imprinted all over the surface of the mirror, that would basically say, ‘here your face is getting wider!’ ‘Imagine your head as wide as this panel’ ‘here you have legs skinny like a twig’ but more poetic.

  • Viking_Bride

    Unfortunately wouldn’t work in Australia. Would scorch off their little fingertips.

    The Sun down here is an utter bastard, written by someone who was a child during the “let’s make all slippery slides out of metal” 1970s.

  • Hkoof

    I was at a birthday party once where somebody showed a blind guest to the toilet and caught himself telling the blind guy where the light switch was.

  • PirateoftheNorth

    I get it’s funny to sighted people but as someone who is visually impaired, it’s really nice to know what I’m walking into even if I’m not able to use that thing. For me the world is often an obstacle course.
    In Naples, Italy there is brail on a handrail at a national landscape that describes the view. Inclusion matters for people with disabilities.

    Edit: I don’t mind this at all and I make the most jokes around my friends but just be mindful that not everyone with disabilities enjoy humor on their behalf.

  • JoeyJoeJoeJrShab

    Just because you’re blind doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be given an opportunity to read a sign. I’m male, and yet I’ve been known to read the sign on the door of the women’s bathroom. That room isn’t for me, and the sign tells me so. This sign tells the blind person there’s nothing interesting for them here.

  • Smile_lifeisgood

    To me, even if a blind person can’t use this mirror very well or at all (not all blindness is total blindness) it’s still good for them to know what it is. Think about what it would feel like to be constantly told, directly or indirectly, “oh you can’t see so you don’t have to know what this is.”

    I sometimes send my blind friend funny images. His wife describes them to him but at the same time I’m also trying to include him in a common type of behavior.

    Sometimes he will share the pictures with other people and he’ll be like ‘oh my friends said that picture was hilarious.’

  • Meincornwall

    Only a very small percentage of those who are legally blind have zero vision.

    With the braille sign those with some remaining vision know what they’re looking at.

    So it turns out the sign isn’t stupid after all.

    But if you thought it was, there’s a chance you’re the stupid 😂

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