Sunday, April 28All That Matters

Internet Historian about Man trapped in Mammoth Caves

Internet Historian about Man trapped in Mammoth Caves

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  • Rivilan

    Internet Historian is really showing that he can deliver despite deviating from his “internet meme analysis” roots. It’s also a very fitting story for him to choose, because despite taking place long before the internet was a thing, you just KNOW this would have been a internet sensation in today’s day and age. [(see: Tham Luang cave rescue a few years back)](

  • ertgbnm

    I’ve spent the last month binging stories about caving and cave diving accidents so to learn that internet historian has made one makes me so happy.

  • HegelianHermit

    I definitely believe evolution wired us to react strongly when other people are trapped in a cave. It is always a sensation and garners a huge response.

    Like when the thai soccer team got trapped and it was an international incident. Totally unproportional response compared to all the other stuff that can and does kill us.

  • commander_nice

    I was shocked when he revealed how they knew he was still alive. Almost by happenstance they were able to measure his periodic breathing through small changes in resistance or impedance or whatever of a copper cable that stretched from the cave entrance to a lightbulb resting on Floyd’s chest that was set up earlier to give him some light.

  • ambiguouslarge

    The solution to get him out was so simple. It’s so surprising that no one at the time could see it. They could have just downloaded World of Tanks and used the code TankMania.

  • woutomatic

    When the first 5 minutes of Internet Historian get you more on the edge of your seat than any movie in the last 10 years… Amazing.

  • two-thirds

    “It fucking moved!”

    lol even the narrator couldn’t control his excitement.

    Internet historian does not miss. Fuck I got shit to do and he got me for the full damn hour.

  • Shazbote

    I will never be able to understand cavers. Don’t know what they’re hoping to find down there that is worth the risk of this kind of thing happening. Pretty sure I have a phobia of passages like “the squeeze” as well. It’s just madness to me that anyone would want to basically paralyze themselves and spend an hour inching through that with nothing but their toes, often not even knowing whats on the other side.

  • thefluffyburrito

    I’m glad Internet Historian didn’t continue the “meme overload” format of Area 51. It felt like he really stretched that video out a bit too long. This and Cost of Concordia are among his best for sure.

  • throwaway8594732

    One thing that always bothered me is, why didn’t Collins first make the “the squeeze” larger first? His intention was to show off the inside to tourists, surely tourists would not want to go down such a narrow hole to get there.

    He could have maybe planned to do it later, but to me it seems a lot easier to first sort out that hole to expand it and then work on the hole he was working on that got him trapped, it would have maybe made it easier for rescuers to get to him and possibly have saved his life.

  • TheOppositeOfDecent

    This seems like a story that would absolutely make a great, tense movie. It makes me wonder how many amazing real life stories like this would make great films, but studios pass on them because they have bummer endings.

  • Cartossin

    I’ve been casually caving. It’s pretty freaky even in relatively safe caves with no tight areas. It is amazing how your brain has so much trouble navigating a truly 3d space rather than the stacked planes we live in normally.

  • Patroulette

    Watching this video at 2am, snuggled up in my favorite blanket and knowing absolutely nothing about the story beforehand- just wow.

    It was so scary, with highs and lows and with actual *characters* beyond just their name and profession. I was at the edge of my seat the whole time, and while I am glad I watched it, I am also saddened by the knowledge that I can never watch it “for the first time” again.

  • AZDiablo

    about half way into the video I spoiled the ending on my self because the anxiety was killing me.

    Internet Historian story telling is impressive.

  • GreenAndGold115

    It is blood boiling that the reason the cave collapsed and ultimately killed him was bc a crowd of mouth breathing degenerates were using his predicament as an opportunity to have a fucking fair ground. I hope all those people in attendance doing nothing felt deep shame about that.

    Although I guess they did stop the rope guy from pulling the poor guy in half the second time so there is that

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