Thursday, April 11All That Matters

I’m playing Call of Duty, The AI is playing Splinter Cell

I’m playing Call of Duty, The AI is playing Splinter Cell

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  • GodofHellfire2

    ready or not is a great game but some of the design decisions in it are really confusing to me.

    – the way the AI will bumrush people or be hyper aggressive despite many of the suspects in supposed to be small time criminals or people with more motivation to stay alive. the game treats private security that surely would surrender in a police siege as hardened terrorists straight out of something like rainbow 6.
    – the rotary launcher still only has a single load despite showing multiple magazines
    – apparently CSI doesn’t exist because the swat operator has to run around for 10 minutes collecting evidence, especially great when you’re doing the crack den and literal mountains of drugs are apparently not the right packet.
    – the fact that there’s no way to go faster than walking speed. if you are in some kind of a standoff with a suspect and a teammate tries to flank its almost impossible to do so.
    – the strange, almost tasteless, exaggeration of violence in some levels, the nightclub level being the worst where bodies are piled by the dozens.
    – the game allows only up to 5 people but will have cavernous levels that go for an eternity, such as the car dealership.
    – for some reason maps don’t have multiple entry points where teammebers can choose where to deploy nor does the game have a map for any of its missions making multiple early runs just about learning the layout of a level.

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