Monday, April 15All That Matters

I was in an accident! Who’s at fault?

I was in an accident! Who’s at fault?

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  • MakingItElsewhere

    I’m calling it 60/40.

    60% the other cars fault for pulling in and then backing out.
    40% your fault for having ample time to hit the brakes but not doing so.

  • JhymnMusic

    They are technically, but holy fuck you also suck ass at driving. Dayum. Pay fucking attention to the road.

  • bellynipples

    Was probably avoidable but not the worst offense on your part. You had room on the other side of the road, and time to brake. But I’d say the other driver definitely holds the majority of the fault. Backed into the road blindly (could’ve picked a better place to turn around) and did so a bit too quickly for the situation. Anytime I have to back out blind like this I go super slow to give a lot of notice to traffic that I’m coming out.

  • slaaxy

    With the dash cam I would say it is entirely your fault like you didn’t even notice them spending several seconds backing up let alone the stop sign before the turn so you’re obviously not paying enough attention to the surroundings.

    Without the dash cam: Clearly the other person, they backed into traffic directly after going in.

  • Person012345

    Looks like you were going a bit fast there. I mean if I was judging this I would largely place the blame on you, probably speeding, not paying enough attention. Not entirely your fault and it’s an understandable accident but it was primarily your careless driving that caused this. Drop the speed by like 10 – 20 mph and be prepared for unexpected things. If this wasn’t a car but a kid that darted out you’d be in some serious shit, so be glad it wasn’t as serious as it could have been.

  • cuddlemycat

    The other guy is at fault and they should probably get a mirror installed at the bottom of his driveway or learn how to reverse park.

    You weren’t driving with care though. You should have seen them much earlier. If you had been paying attention to the road you probably could have stopped or even swerved around them.

  • LurkeSkywalker

    I Italy these kind of accidents are quite tricky to deal with. If you hit the other car with the front of your car, you will be at fault because he technically already enganged the road and you should have let him trough.

    If you hit him with the side of your car, it’s the opposite and he is at fault.

  • Kanniebaal

    This is why you park your car with the nose towards the street so when you want to leave you have a clear view.

  • dirtcreature

    1. Ignore stop sign entirely. Already know what kind of driver you are.

    2. Ignore common courtesy on tight streets where site lines are poor because of street parking

    3. Looking at phone or intentionally being a moron and ramming to make a point.

  • kozak_

    You aren’t a great driver are you?

    – You didn’t do a complete stop at the stop sign previously.
    – Right after your turn left, you can see that car in question pulling into the drive and never leaving your eyesight (so you don’t have any excuse of not seeing them)
    – It is 2.2 seconds since the car in question started reversing and there are no indications you tried to stop.

  • SjurEido

    OP, you had 3 whole seconds to react to that and you didn’t even swerve. You are a horrific driver and should not be trusted behind the wheel.

  • reddiwhip999

    If the op had stopped, properly, at the stop sign, then when he finally started going down the road, the car that was backing out would have been sufficiently enough in the roadway for the driver to actively see it, and, this time put on his brakes, honk his horn, any of those things. Insurance wise, probably neither of them will be covered by their respective insurance companies.

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