Sunday, April 28All That Matters

I think the baby is SCARED!

I think the baby is SCARED!

I think the baby is SCARED!
by u/Patient_Island_2080 in funny

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  • awkwardlyappropriate

    That baby’s world just got rocked from temperature change (extreme heat!) to color change to unfamiliar noise to white Eddie Murphy chuckling next to her. Yeah, this is the proper response.

  • SnooSprouts9993

    It’s amazing what a little brain development does. Toddler is like, “wow, big flames, so much colour and so hot”, baby is like, (fuck, the fucking world changed colour and I feel something crazy on my skin, I’m so fucked. Mommy!!!!!)

  • Familiar__Pianisting

    Aw, what do you mean by that? She seems really excited by the fire! Shouldn’t the title be future arsonist or so-


  • gonewildecat

    Oh Jesus. I’m in hysterics. I got about two hours sleep and this is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.

  • MikeLanglois

    Ipad set up right where the plate should be? Places like this are dinner and a show why would you even need the ipad lol

  • mahade

    Our POV: Nothing special.

    Baby POV: Literally the scariest thing it has ever experienced.

    People sometimes forget that they don’t have a point of reference. They still need to experience the pains of life. Not to be dramatic, but other inconsequential things will happen to any baby, and bad things will be compared to prior experiences.

    I always explain it to friends of mine who are new parents: “Your baby is crying because of something you and I probably don’t even register and uncomfortable. Feeling slightly too warm or cold for your baby is BY FAR the worst thing it has ever experienced. And crying is the only way it knows how to communicate with you.”

    It makes people way more understanding if they don’t use their own frames of reference and apply them to the baby.

    Bright light? We turn around and squint our eyes. The baby doesn’t know how to do those things yet; it’s scared and stressed.

    And so many more examples.

  • RumTonRum

    Dude I hate it when parents bring their newborns to places like this. As if they aren’t expecting that reaction to happen. It’s just straight up rude and entitled to think everyone else OUT AT DINNER will totally also think it’s fun to hear your baby shrieking

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