Tuesday, April 9All That Matters

I never understood the Odyssey saga

I never understood the Odyssey saga

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  • antithesis56

    Think of it like Final Fantasy games: None of the numbered ones are remotely related story-wise. They’re pretty much all different games with the same title

  • ResolveGood

    It’s confusing but might become clearer if you get familiar with the source material. Stanley Kubrik’s film “2001: A Space Odyssey” which was based on the epic poem “The Odyssey” by Homeros.

  • Feisty-Crow-8204

    That’s because you gotta start with The Odyssey by Homer and end with 2001: A Space Odyssey. That will make more sense.

  • Alucard-VS-Artorias

    How long to finish all of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey you may wonder…

    Well for me Assassin’s Creed Odyssey took me a little over 400 hours to finish everything. All achievements, all missions, side missions, challenges, discovered all areas, and everything associated with the DLCs too.

    I did like the game and I do like Assassin’s Creed in general but damn that took a ton of time. One might say it was a real ODYSSEY 😅

  • Cleverbird

    Abe’s Oddysee is the main reason why I could never spell odyssey correctly. Took me many years before I realized it was a pun saying “Abe’s Odd ‘y See”

  • Leon_The_Greek123

    You spent 10 years trying to get home after winning a devastating war, surviving all kinds of lethal threats and temptations, only to end up back home with hundreds of lovers competing for your wife’s hand. You kill them all and regain the trust and loyalty of your wife.

  • Romnonaldao

    What’s hard to understand?

    Odysseus returns from the Trojan Wars after 20 years at sea


    The Templars use the tale to thier advantage, taking control of the Mediterranean. The Assassins fight back against them


    The battles of the Assassins and Templars inspire a new generation of to take up sailing, and find adventure on the sea, calling themselves Pirates


    The worlds seas becomes explored, and charted. exploration is abandoned. centuries pass. The remnants of human civilization coalesce into a single floating city called Metro Kingdom


    Metro City becomes completely consumed by Capitalism and profits. The lower races are enslaved and put to work making snack cakes

  • JT-Lionheart

    Abe did it first two over two decades ago. Honestly though the “Odyssey” name is just a epic way of saying “adventure”. I think Assassin’s Creed rightfully used it in terms of the theme of the setting of Ancient Greece where the word “odyssey” was invented based on the classic story or what sone would call the first adventure story “The Odyssey”. But now it’s used often as a trendy title.

    I’m surprised no one has used “Trek” given Star Trek made that popular. Could you imagine if Super Mario Galaxy was named “Super Mario Trek”? Honestly that’s sounds like that could be a title for a new Mario game that doesn’t have to be about space.

  • mlvisby

    I actually want to give One Piece Odyssey a go. Open-world games based on anime doesn’t come often, most anime games are either linear or fighting/musou.

    I do enjoy One Piece as an anime, even if the arcs become obnoxiously long. Cake Island feels like a slog which is why I am still on it. Sick of hearing Big Mom say Wedding Cake-u a billion times.

  • tranceformerfx777

    Odyssey has become a word that more or less encapsulates a journey or quest that’s centered around a singular person – much like Homers “The Odyssey” that’s about Odysseus, the King of Ithaca, and his journey to return home after the 10 year war with Troy.

    Oh wait this is a shit-post nevermind lol.

  • rembranded

    And not to mention the spin-off game ‘Enslaved: Odyssey to the West’ and the movie adaptation ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’

  • goodolarchie

    Abe’s Oddworld wasn’t perfect but man those games were ahead of their time and didn’t get the acclaim it deserved at the time. You look at all these iterative puzzle + exploration games, Abe catered to an older audience and took off the kid gloves.

    If there’s a game that deserves a faithful remaster it’s Oddworld.

  • GabagoolsNGhosts

    Was replaying Abe’s Odyssey on my Vita last year and wowzers what an adult themed game for kids lol still super fun, too.

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