Monday, June 10All That Matters

I know Horizon Forbidden West won’t win Game of the Year but this game definitely deserves to win Best Art Direction. LOOK AT THIS!!! Feels like a real life image!

I know Horizon Forbidden West won’t win Game of the Year but this game definitely deserves to win Best Art Direction. LOOK AT THIS!!! Feels like a real life image!

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  • josenight

    These post make it easy to make fun of the game. Even if it looks great. Post claiming any game is the best at something will be met with the opposite reaction OP was hoping for.

  • traptor2

    Realistic graphics isn’t the same as Art Direction. You could take a similar screenshot in Elden ring but there will a castle, a swamp, an academy, a bandit camp and a church all in the same screenshot plus a giant glowing golden tree in the background which is more impressive. Horizon still has great art direction but this post is misguided.

  • joshua182

    It’s a very good looking game for sure! The Decima engine is really something! Even on PS4 is still managed to look pretty good, was very surprised.

  • republiccommando07

    Man it’s probably so disheartening for Guerilla to keep getting outshone by other games that release in the same window and year as them. First BOTW and then Elden Ring And Ragnarok. Tough sleddin for sure.

  • GoldSeafarer

    I think people often confuse being realistic to not having art direction. The picture on this post is artistic not because it’s just a pretty, realistic image. But because there were factors of composition put into making this view.

    Where should the hills be? Where should the vegetation be? Where should structures be? Where does the lighting come from? How will the clouds be rendered?

    All of this is composition and surely fits into art direction.

  • Nish_Has_No_Plan

    Haven’t gotten to look at this one yet. Zero Dawn is still sitting in my queue but I’ll get to it soon. What I really wanna say is, OP seems to enjoy it, their ss looks really nice. Art is subjective. People might wanna poo all over OP’s good time, I don’t though. OP, keep rockin what you like.

  • KellyKellogs

    Honestly the art direction is amazing but your image doesn’t do it justice.

    The costumes of the different tribes are mind bogglingly good. The design of the different major settlements too and how they relate to the different tribes personalities and interests.

    Even the art direction of the places you go to in the main story are incredible.

    Horizon has realistic graphics that it uses to make things that are unrealistic in our world feel real in its world.

  • shiggity-shwa

    I know everyone else is saying “realism doesn’t equal art direction” and I agree, but what’s really frustrating about this post is this game actually does have incredibly thoughtful and inspired art direction. The settlements, the variety of cultures, the machines, the “old ones” caves, the freaking cauldrons! There’s SO MANY things OP could have chosen, and they instead went with a bland shot of some mountains and some god rays.

  • Penetratorofflanks

    The facial expressions and mannerisms of even one time side quest givers is extremely impressive. I was shocked that it was so good for me to notice as I generally don’t.

    Every person seems authentic and unique . One scene you are talking to a guy and he gives you a look. I immediately thought, I have seen that look before, there is burning rage behind his eyes and I avoid any person I have ever seen with that look on there face.

  • A_Hideous_Beast

    A simple mountain view isn’t art direction lmao.

    Art direction would contitute character design, color pallet, texturing, animation, and so much more. This screenshot doesn’t do it justice at all.

    I love Horizon. Studying to be an animator, and I feel like this is doing Horizon a disservice.

  • ImpressiveTip4756

    Horizon has great art direction but compared to the competition (elden ring, God of war ragnarok) I disagree. If hfw came out last year it would be snagging awards but this year the competition is way too fierce. Also hfw released weeks before elden ring. So people either

    Played the game as quickly as possible just to get to ER.

    Or dropped it mid way for ER.

    Or didn’t bother buying it because they had to buy ER.

    In all 3 situations ER most likely impressed people more than hfw. Tgw is a popularity contest. People are gonna vote for what they enjoyed the most. And most people probably enjoyed ER more than hfw one way or the other. It’s a losing battle

  • ScorpZer0

    If you removed Aloy from the bottom right and asked me to guess which game this is from, I would have a bunch of examples in mind.

  • squirrelyz

    Overall I found HFW to be a bit of a snooze fest, didn’t like the direction the story went (HZD has one of my fav game stories ever), I didn’t like Aloy (like at all) nor did I like the dialogue or many of the characters, thought the game had TOO many weapons that you had to grind way too much for if you wanted them upgrades, too many new status effects etc… I wish they had kept the gameplay of HZD… they overstuffed it with complexity and idk why. The battle arenas (on harder difficulties) did not AT ALL feel playtested and the game (at launch) on performance mode had a lot of weird visual shimmer…

    Despite all of this, Forbidden West is easily one of the most beautiful games I’ve played.

  • Chamandah-on-Reddit

    Oh great Horizon shill post #448374 is out! Maybe next post they’ll talk about the cloth physics and say that’s why the game should win GOTY! Or maybe they’ll just post about the hair details in photo mode again for the hundredth time!

  • TeflonCondemnation

    The game in itself was awesome. The mechanics, fighting (the new) machines and the graphics. But the story(a very big part of the game) was meh…

  • Jehoel_DK

    I wouldn’t mind if this game won. It and it’s predecessor are both amazing games, and they deserve recognition. They were just unlucky with their releases.

  • DoktorMetal666

    Of the 3 big ones (Elden Ring, Forbidden West, GoW) I feel in terms of graphics fidelity Forbidden west takes the crown. GoW wins Storytelling in my book, and Elden Ring best gameplay & soundtrack. They all have qualities worthy of a GOTY, and I think it comes down to personal preference I think.

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