Saturday, May 11All That Matters

I Hate When this Happens.

I Hate When this Happens.

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  • Drcomanche

    The pain of sifting back through the list to try to find the one you missed but not remembering which you got… Or so I’ve heard. I’ve definitely never personally experienced this many times over.

  • 92WooBoost

    I hate that, DOOM 2016 handled it right, you can go back to previous level to collect the stuff you missed, a lot of times it is a powerup, that you can keep and go back to your current mission

  • PanicRev

    My wife isn’t too much of a gamer, but when she finds a game she likes, she always takes the role of a completionist. She missed a few Korok seeds playing through Breath of the Wild, and thought it was no big deal having to go back through every one (all 900 of them). I’m also a completionist, but that’s far beyond the dedication I could give.

  • 1buffalowang

    Last play through of Mario Sunshine I waited until the end to get the blue coins. I know where like 95% are from playing the game a million times. Was missing 2 at the end. Went through a guide and still never found them. Weird because I’ve 100% the game like 6 times before that.

  • Hayes77519

    “You played the game on the hardest difficulty setting, in which we removed the extra power that achievement was based on using. Now, unlock the final and most difficult level by unlocking all achievements.”

    I’m still mad.

  • BigBear4281

    Was it South Park TSOT that had the missable ones where you had to restart the game? Yeah that’s the one I missed.. it was a funny enough game I wasn’t fully mad, but definitely frustrated me.

  • ronnoco_ymmot94

    There’s a certain turning point in life where collectibles take more time than they are ever worth. In 5 years time, not even you will give a shit about the collect ‘200 pigeons achievement’ you grinded at for 5 hours

  • NeonPatrick

    Happened to me with Ocarina of Time collecting Golden Skultulas. Five hours of retracing my steps and it was behind one of the huts in Kokiri Village.

  • Faye_K_Lias

    I really appreciate it when a game has some way to tell me which collectibles I already have. A map showing where one was found. A list showing how many were found out of a total in a certain area/level. Each collectible is a distinct item I can view. Etc… Saves me from having to recheck every area on the guide list for the one I didn’t look hard enough for.

  • nerdlyninja

    Let’s talk about Crackdown 1. 500 orbs. And this was the achievement glory days on the 360 where that little chime gave you an eargasm.

    I get 499/500 with some help using a guide. I could have stopped there, sure. Because, does it really matter? But no. I went to the beginning of the guide and started to retrace my steps. Days later I’m approaching the 500th orb and I’m still at 499. This has to be it. I get there and there’s nothing. No orb. Game glitched at some point and didn’t register one of the orbs. Or maybe I skipped one again. Either way I wasn’t gonna do that again and it broke my addiction to achievement hunting.

  • jorynagel

    Tried to get all feathers in Assassins Creed 2. Went through once with a guide. 99/100. Counted all the guide markers to ensure it had all of them. Went back through again, looking at the location at the exact same angle as the picture, 99/100. Played through the entire game again, trying to avoid any feathers. Finished with only grabbing 3 by mistake, and I wrote their locations down so I knew exactly which I had collected and could guarantee the other 97 would NEED to be collected. Went back through the guide, 99/100. Haven’t played since.

  • LeagueObvious4468

    200 collectibles is madness. Following guides is not fun. Rewalking every inch of every level is not fun.

    It’s so UNCREATIVE. I love how Batman Arkham City did collectibles – you can fight random mobs to get hints to their location, and each one is a unique puzzle. And the payoff is huge – a hidden boss battle and the final villain.

    If a collectible system isn’t going to give me hints, a fun gameplay loop, and meaningful rewards, I’m no longer willing to participate.

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