Sunday, March 31All That Matters

I found this great video about the game “Ready or Not.” That gives a critical analysis of their depictions of policing as well as the core of their shared theme in the game itself. I do hope this opens up room for discussion about the “controversial topic” mentioned in the video.

I found this great video about the game “Ready or Not.” That gives a critical analysis of their depictions of policing as well as the core of their shared theme in the game itself. I do hope this opens up room for discussion about the “controversial topic” mentioned in the video.

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  • mickeycoolmouse

    As far as essay-style video games videos go, this one is fantastic!

    It goes way harder than I was expecting it to when the essayist asks the viewer to consider the implications of the game’s hyperreal depiction of swat police and tying that to the realities of American policing.

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