Thursday, July 4All That Matters

I couldn’t resist making another meme based off of what happened.

I couldn’t resist making another meme based off of what happened.

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  • inumnoback

    I also have a question for you guys.

    Do you see another “console wars” coming based off of Sony losing a lot because of Microsoft’s buying of ActiBlizzard?

    Why or why not?

  • nyespace

    I haven’t been into console wars since I got my first gaming PC, I got a ps4 late in its life for cheap and played all the exclusives I’d missed and it was fun. But gamepass is just extremely good value. I can’t imagine Sony’s equivalent hitting back harder than gamepass does, at least for a while. And even then cross platform won’t be a thing (or certainly won’t be like it is between xbox and PC). It’s hard to imagine Microsoft losing much ground to Sony from here shy of a few drawcard exclusives.

  • Yourname942

    Don’t forget that Nintendo and Sony were originally going to make consoles together, then it fell through and Sony made their own consoles.

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