Thursday, July 11All That Matters

how to write an Alt-J song – these two claim they were not high while making this video

how to write an Alt-J song – these two claim they were not high while making this video

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  • DinosaurWarlock

    I have to share this comment from the youtube page:
    “I came back here to specifically share a story from my early (and short lived) university career- regarding this video specifically.
    My roommate and I were using a small & empty lecture hall to study for midterms. We were also relatively high on edibles and wanted to leave to the corner store to retrieve snacks. Although it was 7pm and we had time to spare.
    How did we decided to “reserve” the room with both of us gone? Clearly put something on the projector and loop it- and then leave our personal belongings on the tables so it looks occupied.
    This video was the chosen loop video 🤝
    Upon coming back, the 100 seat lecture hall was almost entirely full. Students, professors, the Vice President.
    “Put it in my butt” is still looping on the projector. We’re signed in on the computer with our student account- our items held hostage by the growing crowd for some unknown nightly meeting.
    Watching in horror as the VP tries to log into the now locked screen as this plays to all of our peers and mentors, high as balls on edibles.”

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