Wednesday, May 1All That Matters

How to translate French text without knowing french – Cool English to French tricks that totally work.

How to translate French text without knowing french – Cool English to French tricks that totally work.

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  • SuperfluousRage

    Also, most words that ends with ABLE or IBLE is the same in French and English as they came to us from the Norman invasion. That’s around 700 or 800 words. Quick to learn as you already know it! Think of these words; table, amicable, terrible, horrible, etc..

  • Alarmed-Valuable-916

    Reddit is wild, I just started watching this guy a week or so ago. Informative as hell, a bit creepy in a friendly way.

  • gabbledygool

    Incidentally, if you ask a French person to say “squirrel”, “scureuil” is exactly what you’re going to hear.

  • Uuuazzza

    Cool video but just a clarification, the Académie Française doesn’t regulate French, they are supposed to write a dictionary but the last one they published was in 1932 and it was terrible because the members are just old farts in need of validation instead of competent linguists.

  • myislanduniverse

    Share this video with every instructor who ever told you, “Because it’s just that way” when you asked them why French does something.

  • northcoastroast

    I read Les Miserables in French, or at least parts of it, in high school and college after studying French for 6 years. I can read French pretty dang well but I am absolutely terrible at speaking it because I’ve never lived in the country or really spoke French outside of a high school classroom. These tricks even helped me 🙂 thanks for sharing

  • grazerbat

    Another one is any word that ends in “ive”, you can pronounce as “eef”….I was talking about rights with my Parisian friend and wanted to say “It’s my prerogative”…”C’est mon perogatife” and he fell down laughing…he said I spoke the worst kind of white trash French, but had used a word that only someone in high society would use.

  • Mtlyoum

    Those tricks are really good to help an english speaker, and a french speaker go the other way.

    Only thing I am not ok with, is his comment in trick #2, yes the accent circonflexe mark an absent S, but it’s also change the way you pronounce the word.

  • Bloto098

    Pretty helpful. I translate for Netflix and I get tons of French content. My mother tongue is Spanish and listening to French, and adapting ins’t that hard, but these tricks just refreshed tons of memories and books during my college time.

  • maolf

    Here’s a French newspaper headline. I guess this trick, knowing stuff like what à means, and common sense gets you closer:

    **Guerre en Ukraine, en direct: un premier navire transportant des céréales destinées à l’exportation a quitté le port d’Odessa**

    *War in Ukraine, in direct (directly?): a premier navy transport for cereals destineses (destined?) with the exportation has quitts the Port of Odessa*

    (Apple Translates as “War in Ukraine, live: a first ship carrying grain for export left the port of Odessa”).

  • FredNasr

    I’ve been to Italy a few times and picked up a couple of tricks. The most notable is “zione” is “tion” so if you see “Stazione” it’s “Station”. It makes it pretty easy to read most signs.

  • flappers87

    I know a cool trick for Polish.

    So if you take *mostly* any word in English that ends in “tion”. You can replace that with “cja” (c is pronounced like an s – just a bit harder, j is pronounced like a y).

    Inspection for example – inspekcja, is pronounced like “in-spek-sya”.

    Or something like.. relaxation. relaksacja. “re-lak-sa-sya”.

    Location… lokacja. “lo-ka-sya”

    (doesn’t work for everything, and context can change the word entirely, but that’s just polish for you)

    The more you know.

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