Friday, June 7All That Matters

How to correct a slide on an icy road

How to correct a slide on an icy road

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  • Cr8er

    I lost my first car to icy roads and my own inexperience.

    I learned a lot from that…

    I just don’t go anywhere if the roads are icy. I’ve got hundreds of hours of PTO from work, I keep food and necessities stocked at the house, and I have a properly stored generator, with at least 24 hours of fuel. Fuck going out on icy roads. It’s not worth it.


    IMO FWD are unpredictable with corrections. RWD are way easier.

    Nevertheless, hopefully some people will watch and remember. Depending on the situation this knowledge can save your car or more importantly you.

  • danrod17

    I was mudding with my friends one time. Lost the back end in my buddy’s truck and was heading towards a little tree. Years of gaming and playing racing games had me automatically doing the right thing. I was about to get the truck back but my buddy was freaking out yelling “stop, stop, stop!” I hesitated but ending up just tapping the brakes. Didn’t get the truck back in time and ended up side swiping the little tree. Lol. We both accepted our proportionate share of responsibility. It was basically all my fault for listening to him, but he really shouldn’t have been yelling stop. Of course, it was coming quick. What’s he going to say? “steer in to the slide!”

  • mr_blanket

    Pickup trucks losing control on ice?


    It really bugs me how everyone I know with a truck says the same exact thing when it starts to ice:

    “Oh it’s fine I have a truck”

    Sorry but your Chevy s10 is going to spin out and slide just as easy as my Honda civic.

  • KamahlYrgybly

    *Laughs in finnish*

    120 kph today on the motorway without any issues. Not really icy, but a little. Metal-studded winter tires for the win. In town was much more hazardous, sleek ice in many places. Feather-throttling needed for getting moving from a stand-still.

  • Regnes

    The technique mentioned here is solid and what I do 99% of the time, but you can also pump your breaks repeatedly to stop the slide.

  • sasksasquatch

    My work’s pickup truck is an adventure to drive in the winter when the box doesn’t have enough weight in it. Basically every corner, no matter your speed is going to cause a fishtail.

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