Wednesday, June 12All That Matters

Horizon Forbidden West may not be everyone’s Game of the Year this year, but no one can deny how this may be one of the most beautiful games out there.

Horizon Forbidden West may not be everyone’s Game of the Year this year, but no one can deny how this may be one of the most beautiful games out there.

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  • JusaPikachu

    I just finished Zero Dawn on PS5 & that game still looked fucking gorgeous so I can’t wait to see how Forbidden West looks when I get around to it.

  • IReallyLoveMyPets

    A question from someone who doesn’t have a ps5.

    Can you climb those mountains? Is all of that area explorable?

  • CaptainGString

    No fuckin way horizon zero dawn beats Elden Ring. Sorry

    So im curious, I gave the first game 6.8/10. Is this one much better? I think it had more to do with the timing I played it and it was a bit repetitive in nature. I dunno, there was something…off? I think the combat was a bit sluggish. I forget now its been 3 years. Whats your rating overall on this game? 2022 is a lack luster year for gaming imo so far.

    Edit: title said game of the year. I laughed. Sort by controversial some more because you are a drama queen. Leave a comment below and then show me your sweaty gamer moobs

  • BlueMageBRilly

    It’s pretty until you start loading stuff.

    Scariest thing is the arena girl always loading in one piece at a time when I exit the menu. But other than that I like most of what I see.

  • SellusGravius

    I kinda wanna get it but I still haven’t managed to bring myself to finish HZD. I really want to love it but I just don’t know why it doesn’t grip me. Theoretically it’s exactly the sort of game I should love but something about it just isn’t doing it for me, I don’t know why 🙁

  • SadLaser

    That’s Horizon’s cross to bear. Always coming out right around the same time as a game that gets more hype. Good series, though.

  • TheGlave

    Its is THE most beautiful game out there. Its the first game in a long time, which might me admire the advancements in graphics. Improvement has gotten so gradual these past few years. This one is a real jump forwards.

  • Crazy_Canuck78

    It is the best looking game ever made on a technical level at least. But I also really like the aesthetic of it all.

  • AmericanLich

    Nope and at this point we’ve gotten plenty of screenshots talking about how good it looks so we certainly dont need any more.

  • ezioauditore2018

    Having played both horizon zero dawn series. I say yes. I jsut use horizon zero dawn foribidden west as a reference for trying to practice art on blender and unity

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