Wednesday, May 8All That Matters

Hitch hiking on a cargo ship

Hitch hiking on a cargo ship

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  • Fckreddit42069

    Seafarers are a part of a forgotten industry. Despite carrying the world’s economy on their shoulders they don’t get nearly enough recognition or support. COVID has fucked the entire industry over, authorities have arbitraily decided to imprison seafarers on their ships by denying crew change and shore leave, in many countries these restrictions are STILL in place despite tourism being allowed in. By comparison, when the truckers were stuck in the UK it was on every news page in the UK for a week, but the 2 years of crew change crisis barely made a bleep in the media. People see trucks, people see planes, not many people see ships, therefore authorities can get away with seafarer mistreatment without provoking public outrage.

  • Jet_Jirohai

    Former merchant marine here. A REAL ship hitch hiker goes by a different name – a stowaway. We don’t take kindly to stowaways

    Secondly, as someone that’s spent collective years living on big container ships, it’s really noisy and not particularly interesting

  • Ipollute

    Looked into this in the past. These guys are big PR magnets with their YouTube profile. For us layabouts it’s not as glamorous.

    I was trying to go from NYC to Europe. You had to pay a hefty price $800+ at the time (4+ years ago), had to be available to leave whenever they were ready, and I heard it was really really boring. The crews usually are international so they won’t speak your language and you are not allowed to do ANY work (liability issue). Not very romantic.

  • AutoCompliant

    I wish they wouldn’t have presented the idea like “oh my gosh, can we even do this?!”.

    I was under the impression it was widely known that you can buy a ticket onboard a cargo ship to go where it was going… And I’m sure they were as well, but to play it up to the camera like they are doing something that aren’t even sure is possible at all is disingenuous and made me stop watching after 30 seconds. I really wanted to enjoy this, but the presentation was way too phony.

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