Friday, July 19All That Matters

High-Tech hyperefficient future farms under development in France, loosely inspired by the O’Neill space cylinder concept

High-Tech hyperefficient future farms under development in France, loosely inspired by the O’Neill space cylinder concept

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  • BLSmith2112

    What is the surface area of that compared to say vertically linear farms? The infastructure in this area is massive. The huge circles can’t be densely packed, and the center of the room is wide to make room for the robot, vs. having something [like this]( but for plants.

  • Any-Cryptographer500

    This makes 100% no sense, why would you put the plants through all the stress of being inverted and all the mechanical infrastructure involved. Your cost effective option is to just put racks of plants with lights at optimal level for the current point in life cycle. You can easily move the plants on skids to and from different light setups and if you are really Jonesing for automation you can use off the shelf automated forklifts.

  • Longjumping-Buy-4736

    Some bits of info/claims from the original video in French:

    The cylindres allow to cultivate 10 times more than horizontal farming on the same surface area.

    The circular movement is sped up 8 times in the video. It allows for the light to be more evenly distributed.

    Turning them upside down creates a stress on the plants that react by strengthening themselves, increasing produce quality.

    The cylindres allow to water only the roots at the bottom. It requires 10L of water to produce 1kg of basil while in outdoor farming up to 300L can be used up.

    The plants are not exposed to bugs and elements that may destroy them/reduce produce quality.

    Due to their small footprint the farms can be located closer to consumer markets, even directly within cities.

    Not suitable for all plants. Lettuce and aromatic plants are best suited for it.

    It is still technically a laboratory although they do have a distributor for their current production.

  • propelol

    The scaffolding holding the tubes should have been a honey comb pattern (hexagons) instead of squares, to maximize the space.

  • CatOnProzac

    Used to always see these advertised in the back of High Times.

    They seem neat on paper but would only work for certain crops.

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