Wednesday, May 15All That Matters

HBO Rome – Titus Pullo meets Octavian (future Emperor Augustus) after the battle of Mutina

HBO Rome – Titus Pullo meets Octavian (future Emperor Augustus) after the battle of Mutina

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  • PancakeExprationDate

    This was such a great series. Sucks it was axed after season 2. There was so much they were forced to skim over due to the budget. But overall, it was very well done. I just re-watched it a few months ago. This scene is one of my favorites.

  • scotty-doesnt_know

    the reason why Ceasar and his adoptive son were so successful at becoming kings in an empire that use to kill kings for fun, is simple. Its a bit derivitiv, but simple. In an ocean of corruption and its horrible consequences, they were both benevolent dictators to the people of rome. Now if you were part of the germanic tribes, you were fucked. But both had plans to reduce the use of slaves (nothing close to banning slavery) on roman lands, so that romans could work it. That was enough to endure the love of the people. But they both planned to do more. the people were sick, tired, and hugry. And these guys were offering to make rome great again.

  • GuestCartographer

    Loved this show. I know Deadwood was the primary draw to HBO at the time, but Rome was what pulled me in.

  • TEmpTom

    Octavian: “Well, torture him.”

    Pullo: “I’ve never… actually… tortured anyone. I don’t know how.”

    Octavian: “You don’t know how?”

    Pullo: “We have specialists!”

    Octavian: “Why not cut off his thumbs?”

    Pullo: “Good enough…”

    [Pullo proceeds to cut off the guy’s thumbs]

    God I loved this show.

  • reb678

    This was such a great series. I can’t wait to watch it a 3rd time. He was such a great actor.

    I just finished watching Black Sails again just to see him as Black Beard, again.

  • fulthrottlejazzhands

    “She better fuck him like Helen of Troy with her ass on fire.”

    Bloody love Rome. Monumental travesty it didn’t get its planned full 5-6 seasons.

  • Cubelock

    He mentions he owes part of the victory to **Agrippa**. Now if you have any interest at all about ancient Rome and how it became so successful under Augustus, you should absolutely read about Agrippa (or watch a YouTube video about him). He wasn’t just Augustus best righthand man, but one of the greatest Romans that ever lived period.

  • DrunkenOnzo

    I liked Rome but I do kinda wish they just focused more on one strata or the other. Or at least separated the stories a bit better. Titus and pals just kind of showing up everywhere felt a bit too “Bill and Ted” for the tone of the rest of the show.

    Also this version of Octavian is so goddamn hot.

  • kuwetka

    Jesus, imagine Rome having 5 seasons… And now I’m thinking about it, image Rome having 5 seasons with the structure like The Wire

  • Fuzzy_Dunlops

    The scene after he finds Vorenus is incredible also. Antony’s “good news, bad news, eh” kills me every time.

  • henryx7

    I decided to watch Rome on a whim and ended up loving it. I saw so many resemblance to Game of Thrones and how it too ultimately got cut short. Both could have been epic series for the times had they been allowed to follow through.

  • FiftyTigers

    I don’t even know how many times I’ve re-watched this show at this point.

    My absolute favorite aspect of the show is how Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo constantly but inadvertently affect events that many of which actually happened.

    For example, the entire first season there’s a cloud overhanging of if or when Vorenus will find out that Niobe committed adultery and that their son is not his. Multiple things wrap together with Caesar’s scorning of Servilia, Octavian telling Octavia about Niobe’s adultery because he does not want to reveal Caesar’s affliction, and Vorenus being promoted to being a senator/Caesar’s bodyguard.

    At the climax of season 1 it is revealed to Vorenus by Servilia’s slave that his son is not his own, which makes him leave Caesar and causes Caesar to go to the senate floor alone where he is famously murdered by many senators.

    Fucking brilliant.

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