Monday, April 8All That Matters

Happy toot day!

Happy toot day!

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  • RamsesThePigeon

    I’m no longer allowed to tell the story of the first time that my wife farted in front of me.

    Suffice it to say that she was feeling *very* nice, and I was in a perfect position to “appreciate” her flatulence.

  • DragonflyScared813

    The first time my wife farted in my presence, I called my brother to share the moment. He extended his congratulations.

  • typhoidtimmy

    My wife is a sleep farter. As soon as she is out, it’s like someone opened the bomb doors. We sleep in the same bed but under different covers and that’s due to me not wanting to wake up smelling like I did the 50 meter butterfly in a pool of sewage.

    The dogs learned really quick to lay on dads side of the bed in order to avoid an errant rollover within ground zero of the chemical warfare. My poor corgi once took one for the team and I woke up to him rubbing his face in a pillow and sneezing. Lil boy now sleeps on a pillow above dads head and she wonders why he seems to avoid her when she lays down.

    I haven’t the heart to tell her it’s a survival mechanism from unleashed hell.

  • ojioni

    My (ex)wife never farted in front of me. She went absolutely ballistic when I farted in her presence. I think she was afraid of them for some reason.

  • Pea-and-Pen

    My husband and I had been married 10 years before I farted in front of him. He was horrified the first time I did it. And he’s always been proud of the fact that he made me vomit from a horrendous fart when I was pregnant 25 years ago. It’s one of his prouder moments.

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