Thursday, May 2All That Matters

Guy films tornado coming up as long as he can

Guy films tornado coming up as long as he can

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  • nysraved

    It obviously looked scary as shit, but I couldn’t really tell how powerful it was, and so I was focused on the shed in the middle of the background to try to establish some reference.

    Tornado seems to get near it and the shed initially holds its ground and makes me think “okay maybe it’s not as powerful as it looks”.

    Then a second later the entire shed just gets disintegrated. One more second later and all the fencing gets pulled away even though it was seemingly still pretty far from the main body of the tornado.


  • NickkyDC

    First off wow. Second off I’ve seen a lot of people saying normal nature things are photoshopped or fake today, so odd.

  • gold3esea

    This is easily one of the most terrifying tornado videos. You are left wondering if it, which it probably did, completely leveled this guys house as well. What a fucking fascinating video tho tbh. One of the better closeups of a Nado. These people have balls of fucking steel seriously. At those speeds any flying piece of debris can essentially take you out. It gets closer and closer without it really seeming like it’s moving (which is actually kinda common with Tornados) and it just creeps up close enough to rip that fence apart like it’s literally made of popsicle sticks and then it moves closer really fast really quickly and the video ends cuz the guy was probably shitting himself by then. To see the fence rip away like that while the tornado is still seemingly hundreds of feet away (the actual funnel) goes to show you how dangerous the winds are in a large area AROUND the tornado.

  • therealsunshinem81

    For people not from tornado land, the flashes are the tornado tearing through power lines, it is something to watch for when trying to spot a tornado at night.

  • Segamaike

    > As long as he can

    Isn’t that about the stupidest fucking thing you could do? Like just standing still inside your house with the door wide open, filming the tornado as it comes closer to you?

  • benkenobi5


    dads everywhere: time to go on the back porch and take some videos!

  • endless_sea_of_stars

    Tornados are still one of the most poorly understood weather phenomena despite decades of research. Still a lot of uncertainty on why they form, why they dissipate, why they form certain shapes.

  • tnnrk

    So like, why do people choose to live in an area where these are super common? (Assuming you are well off enough to move a state away or whatever). Are the odds of getting your house/property hit by one still really low? Is that why? I can’t imagine living somewhere where this could just happen at any moment and completely destroy my house.

  • Jolly_Willingness174

    I live in Southern California. We are in earthquake zone, but man living in Tornado zones look absolutely terrifying!! My hypocritical self says “Why do people live there”!!!???

  • BeatsMeByDre

    Imagine how fast a stick is moving in that wind. It could have come at him like a bullet and he would have never seen it. Go inside crazy man.

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