Friday, April 5All That Matters

Giving your kids stupid names.

Giving your kids stupid names.

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  • TheManWithNoSchtick

    Also works for the likelihood of a person’s name ending in “the third.” They’re either stupid rich or dirt poor.

  • Itsjustbeej

    My parents named me B. Yes, just the letter, and it’s my entire first name. Where does that put them on the curve?

    Edit: typo

  • RickestRickSea137

    i answer calls as part of my job, it’s insane how many parents decided to swap letters in names now to make regular names unique.

    ie megan=maegyn etc

    have to ask them to spell even the most basic shit out now, obnoxious

    my own parents named me after.. my dad..(wtf who names someone after themselves?), but then decided to call me by my middle name my entire life. so as a result i don’t associate that first name with myself at all. yet every time i start a new job, do banking stuff, business with a company etc, it becomes this grueling lifelong punishment to explain, no, that’s not the name i go by, it’s…


    seriously.. parents.. stop being idiots naming kids stupidly :/

  • Insert_Bad_Joke

    Solution one:
    – find existing name.
    – add ey/eigh or on/one (alternatively, add or change one letter).

    Solution two:
    – literally pick a random-ass noun.

  • halp-im-lost

    I keep a list of the worst names I see (I work in an emergency department.) Some of my all time faves are:

    – Legend Dary (first and middle name)
    – Khatlion
    – Imperialmx
    – Yahyniss
    – Soul Hunter (first and middle name)
    – Lucifera
    – Chaos Menace (first and middle name)

    There are at least 50 others on the list so I can’t post all of them, but it always makes me giggle to look at it.

    Edit- posting non identifying information (a first name doesn’t count as “identifying”) with no medical information is not a HIPAA violation by any means.

  • DominoAxelrod

    When we were naming our kids I said to my wife that parents’ responsibility in that situation is very much like that of a doctor: first, do no harm.

    if your kid gets bullied because of his/her/their name then you failed at your first job as a parent.

  • Viper67857

    I know one dumbass redneck who named his daughter Amabala (Alabama spelled backwards). He said they pronounce it like Ama-Bella and call her Bella for short. I reminded him that there’s no fucking ‘e’ in Alabama so his daughter’s name is Am A Balla, shot calla, 20″ blades on her Impala.

  • Toal_ngCe

    Starbucks barista here; the reason we always fuck up your basic name’s spelling or ask for it so we don’t get it wrong is because for every Ashley, we get two Ashlees, an Ashli, four Ashleighs, three Aislis, an Ashly, an Ashlay, and an Ashlaigh. People need to calm down w these fun baby name ideas

  • RealMainer

    This hits hard. My broke as fuck single mother niece just had a baby a few days ago and she named it Zen Obsidian. That’s not the full name, that’s just the first name. A two word first name. The baby has a different middle and last name.

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