Sunday, April 28All That Matters

Giving Days Gone a second chance and its a blast so far.

Giving Days Gone a second chance and its a blast so far.

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  • CrimsonToker707

    Love that game. I grew up near where the game is set and they did an amazing job with the environments and weather. It’s too bad there will never be a sequel 🙁

  • theworm1244

    I thought thus game was excellent! The story was really good too, I was way more emotionally engaged than I thought I would be

  • cosmoboy

    Wasn’t going to buy it on release because of middling reviews, but I had a couple days off and I live in Oregon, so I bought it anyway. I had so much fun. There were a couple parts that really spiked the adrenaline. I’ve since bought it for my PC as well.

  • CR4ZY___PR0PH3T

    Phenomenal game it’s a shame we won’t get a sequel the “true” ending of the game really leaves you hanging with a twist.

  • metbass

    Oh man, it was the first freebie I finished.

    My favorite moment was when I first ran out of gas. Such a cool experience in a game.

  • SomboSteel

    its a better game than it gets credit for. but the pacing was definitely off, it feels like it goes on way too long like 3/4 of the way through.

    voice acting is a little wonky sometimes too. lol i have memories of Deacon just like screaming at the top of his lungs for no reason during some of the conversations

  • modestlunatic

    Setting up a path to run when killing hordes was very fun. Leading humans and zombies to fight each other while I hid in a bush was very memorable.

    I did think the game was going to end like 3 times, but it just keeps going.

  • GhettoGummyBear

    I wish I could get into it. Tried it 3 separate time and each time was just meh. Didn’t like how the bike controlled all that much and I know you could upgrade it but stuff to do around the world just didn’t feel fun to me. Also the missions following helicopters and sneaking in bushes to listen to dialogue just made me absolutely hate my experience. The hordes were cool tho.

  • MisterFantastic5

    I’m on my fifth play though. Sometimes I just like riding through the mountains on the bike without fighting. It’s very therapeutic.

  • nogoodgreen

    The combat and exploration was great, the story and choices they made with the flashbacks where you walk slowly around with your wife was the most boring shit i have ever experienced in a video game.

  • The_Evolved_Ape

    I just finished and it was way better than I expected based on some of the reviews I’d seen. Definitely above average at the very least and not sure why it wasn’t green lit for sequels since it sold at least sold a few million copies (estimates of 8 million are questionable.) and I’ve played games that weren’t nearly as good that got sequels. Maybe with the news that there’s a Days Gone movie in production with a lead actor attached there will be a push for a sequel.

  • Lord-Romi

    I’m glad you did. My brother persuaded me to pick up this game again and give it another go after i left it early game about 3 years ago. It’s a solid and fun game with a good story.

  • HighFuncMedium

    I keep hearing good things about this one and I don’t think many games with this many diehard fans are usually bad. Gotta pull the trigger one of these days

  • EndsLikeShakespeare

    Probably the game I’ve been most surprised with. Only had it cause it was a free PlayStation game. Finally got around to it last winter and it was just so…complete to me. The filler, while it did get a bit tedious towards the end, felt absolutely natural as a part of the game/story. Just felt so tight (I understand it had issues on launch). Strong recommend from me

  • Opressivesingularity

    I dropped the game after 30 minutes,

    picked it back up several months later.

    Couldn’t put it down till i finished it.

    10/10 would recommend.

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