Friday, July 5All That Matters

George Foreman stops Ken Norton in the 2nd round of their 1974 World title fight

George Foreman stops Ken Norton in the 2nd round of their 1974 World title fight

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  • Potatolantern

    Insane how much referring has changed in the years, I was shocked he let the match continue after that second standing 8 count. And then at the end, it looked like he still wanted to continue it, I thought he would’a called it over the second the guy was on the mat.

    He went down, went down again, and then immediately went down a third time- don’t give him a count and try get him back in, it’s over, spare him the damage.

  • MitchellMuehl

    I can’t imagine what it was like growing up during this time and being able to experience Ali. His pre and post fight interviews steal the show

  • lavaeater

    I like how the guy doing the play-by-play says “Foreman is not a great boxer, but he’s a great puncher” – there is quite obviously more to what Foreman is doing here than just lining up a punch. He parries the jabs, corralls Norton, he’s not a bad boxer at all – he’s just using that to land his monster of a right, sure, but bad?

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