Friday, May 10All That Matters

Gaming companies really just said Fuck it let’s just do the 2000nds again huh.

Gaming companies really just said Fuck it let’s just do the 2000nds again huh.

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  • milkarcane

    Jokes aside, it is a pretty lucrative idea if you think about it.
    People in their thirties/mid-thirties will want to buy it would it only be for nostalgia.
    Younger generations probably never played one of these and will want to try them.
    In the end, everyone wins, video games industry included.

    Plus, I don’t mind some good 2000s shit coming back up again. I loved this era as a guy in his mid-thirties.

  • Y-Cha

    I’m pretty excited for Silent Hill. Just wish they’d started with the first one, maybe.. because I’d like to see both 1 and 3 redone, I think.

    However, it’s possible their (1 & 3) connected plot is why 2 is being done rather than 1 – haven’t looked into it, though.

    Still, happy to see a revival of it. It was a properly scary series before things like Dead Space came along.

  • dugthefreshest

    I personally don’t understand people’s excitement.

    Like if they remade Metal Gear (not solid), that’d be dope. Mgs3 (subsistence) is still, and always will be great and 100% playable in it’s current ps2 form.

    New games please.

  • eaglerabbit89

    That was a great decade for gaming. I’d buy those games again for nostalgic reasons alone. I hope to see more games from that era.

  • Julien_Bautista03

    Now for the love of all that is pure and good, can we PLEASE get a splinter cell game or remake or smt? I’m begging here

  • HombreGato1138

    I love getting back reworked versions of games that I loved in my childhood and teenagehood. The sad part is, in most cases they can’t help themselves, adding bunch of crap that is ruining the hobby in the 2010s/20s.

  • jonsbryhill

    it’s remakes/remasters of beloved classics many people have been asking for for ages…. i’m guessing you’re in your teens op?

  • barbanekra_

    First we had IPs, then it was obvious that sequels were easier to sell, since they already had the fanbase and the foundations of such IPs.

    Now its even easier for them, just pay people to rebuild something that, at the time, must have been a very difficult product that went through many iterations over several years of hard work, and sell it at full price.

    New people will buy it, old people will buy it… It just make sense. You can even rebuilt your entire portfolio without risking a single new IP flop.

  • JakeBit

    Yahtzee Crowshaw had an observation that this might be because game companies are waiting for the next huge AAA trend to appear, so they work on safer re-makes until it emerges.

  • InvestigatingDwarf

    Hell yeah. But this year has has some great new releases too with Hi-Fi Rush taking the top spot for me.

  • Neel102

    I mean, You won’t see me complaining if they keep producing quality products like, Metroid Prime Remastered, Dead Space Remake and RE4 Remake.

  • zFalconTB

    With the huge hype and success surrounding these remakes, as well as singleplayer games making record sales (like the new zelda), one would think that game studios should have realized by now that the market is starving for new high quality games featuring interesting stories

    Instead, we just get more and more predatory monetization tactics, premium battle passes on top of battle passes, and “live service” which just means *release now, we’ll figure something out later*

    Of course single and multi player games have coexisted since forever, but since only multiplayers have been going down the drain in terms of quality, maybe it’s time they finally realize it’s worth to put more effort into making the game enjoyable, instead of trying to figure out how much they can squeeze out of the playerbase?

  • blackrabbitsrun

    Because they can’t make the kind of bank they want on new ideas since they always fuck up the launch by putting out a barely functioning product that takes over a year’s worth of patches before it’s even playable. Why work on something new and spend all that money when you can just polish up something that’s already made, and even better, has all the marketing done for it?

  • de_jim

    I mean it’s kind of slam dunk

    Millennials have money now. Millennials play alot of video games and their very nostalgic of the 2000s.

    Easy money.

  • WarOtter

    I mean, from a business standpoint, it makes total sense to do this:

    1. You have games that have already been proven “good”
    2. The story/concept development is already largely complete.
    3. The developers all likely played the original, so they have a good sense of how the final product should look
    4. You have a player base that loved those games, and are now older and “theoretically” have money to spend on nostalgia

    Honestly, at 43, I love good remakes. If I don’t need to gamble 60 or 70 bucks and waste what little time I get for gaming anymore to play a game I might not enjoy, then a remake is a good fit for my entertainment dollar.

  • Nyaos

    A lot of the kids that grew up loving these games are now working in game development and probably very interested in remaking their childhood classics.

  • mwagner1385

    It’s wildly popular and profitable to remaster and reimagine 5th/6th (PS1-2/N64/Xbox) generation games. They are the ones most in need of a glow up. 3rd/4th gen are fine, leave them as is. 7th gen is case by case, but 8th gen to present, you’re just turning into Disney remastering the Little Mermaid animated film.

    New tech can bring old classics into a fidelity more palatable to newer gamers. I’m all for it because they can’t do it forever. We are at the point where graphical fidelity is reaching diminishing returns.

    After 4K/144fps/RT is perfected, that’s it.
    Anyone who says more than 4K is just vanity spending and more than 144fps is only good for those at the highest tier of competitive FPS.

    If you disagree, you’re lying to yourself because the science has already proven beyond that is imperceptible.

  • tolacid

    *watches fan response to well produced Ratched and Clank reboot.*

    “Hmm… What if…”

    *Watches fan response to extremely well produced Final Fantasy 7 remake*

    “Oh? Is this… You want this?”

    *Watches fan responses to Callisto Protocol and the Dead Space remake*

    “What the-? Why the hell are we trying to make new things?!”

  • darkmizzle

    On one hand.. im okay with these because most of the remakes have been 10/10 amazing.

    On the other hand its kinda like Hollywood, where I wish the writers were capable of creating new compelling content.

    Most of them either arent… or aren’t being paid the money to create said content.

  • __removed__

    Hmmm… Kids of the early 2000’s are now… How old?

    Yes, nostalgia is a strong drug. Kids of that era now have their own money.

    I subscribe to Nintendo switch online where I can play N64 games.

  • illuminerdi

    And this is bad why???

    Early 2000s were full of amazing games! It wasn’t until CoD showed up and bro-ified the industry that things started to really go downhill with yearly rehashes of the same content and endless microtransactions.

    There’s tons of hidden gems that deserve a second chance. Otogi. Burnout 3. Dark Cloud. Wild Arms. Etc. Yes please shut up and take my money!

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