Tuesday, April 16All That Matters

Full Bruce Lee interview where he famously gives his “Be water, my friend” speech.

Full Bruce Lee interview where he famously gives his “Be water, my friend” speech.

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  • churadley

    I grew up on Lee as an action hero. As I got older, he became even more fascinating and admirable when I found out his physical dynamism was born out of a curious, whipsharp mind. There was no distinctions between the physical and mental for him — they were all part of the expression of the deeper whole.

    Seeing him in a long form interview is something else. He’s just so absolutely present, thoughtful, and precise in every moment. Having him next to this stodgy representation of the 1970s status quo only goes to show far ahead of his time he was.

  • simonwales

    Never heard the man himself. I’m struck by how eloquent he is and how accurate the portrayal was in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. The actor at least nailed his voice and mannerisms.

  • DiggyMcGriz

    He also talks about in this interview his Warrior tv show idea that never got made in his lifetime but Cinemax eventually got around to it a few years back.

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