Tuesday, June 4All That Matters

From a Reddit gift exchange in 2011. It hasn’t left the wall in 12 years.

From a Reddit gift exchange in 2011. It hasn’t left the wall in 12 years.

View Reddit by r0wo1View Source


  • confusingbrownstate

    I remember the Christmas reddit secret Santa! Is that still a thing? I remember several years where whoever got Bill Gates as their secret Santa posted all the dope shit they got, usually like $2k in Xbox stuff. I think reddit is probably too big now to do that, I remember lots of people complaining that their secret Santa just never sent them shit and I thought they stopped it after that.

  • kittytoes21

    I loved secret Santa! Did it for years and it was so much fun to customize each person’s gifts. Sad it’s gone, happy that it’s still remembered and appreciated in things like this!

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