Wednesday, May 8All That Matters

France on the verge of change

France on the verge of change

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  • Ghost_In_Waiting

    Green brooms just gonna be out in the morning sweeping up the ashes and the dog shit. Unless you see everyone waving goodbye to Macron the retirement age is going to change.

  • Neker

    This is Paris proper (2 millions inhabitants). In the rest of France (65 millions), trash is collected as usual.

    This is even one particular street in the city center, the habitually unruly aftermath of an otherwise civilized demonstration.

    The vote of no-confidence having failed as predicted, the pensions reform is now a law.

    So yes, France is about to change, as she does everyday : less and less workers to sustain more and more retirees whose life expectancy may or may not be passed its peak, while the economy is fueled by less and less energy and fed by dwindling natural resources, in an ever worsening climate.

    So, basically just another episode in a franchise that started more than half a century ago.

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