Saturday, April 20All That Matters

Forbes Has a Fraud Problem

Forbes Has a Fraud Problem

View Reddit by playmygirlsView Source


  • Valvador

    A Patrick Boyle video on /r/videos?

    I thought we only upvote useless garbage on this subreddit, not insightful and educational content?

  • theflyingvs

    I found this particularly hilarious because I personally know 2 people who made 30 under 30 a few years back. Both are huge losers and BOTH have unsurprisingly also been involved in huge scandals and fraud. After I saw them on the list I lost all respect for Forbes. Also, both made the list AFTER their known scandals were made public and any 5 minute interview will quickly see through their bs.

  • Emain__Macha

    to forbes employees i bet this feels like most people calling PBS bad. meh they got it wrong a lot for profit…. fuck em. buy me a house and ill give a shit about your shilling

  • rustyfoilhat

    I love this but sad to say, the basic no frills editing and well-paced speaking actually threw me for a loop. I’m too used to content made for my short attention span lol

  • Praesumo

    So this is what it’s like when someone slaps on a suit and in the least charismatic way possible, makes a 20 minute video about one of Reddit’s top posts of 2 weeks ago…

  • gereffi

    If you can point out 4 people who commit fraud from the last 20 years of 30 person lists, that’s less than 1% of the people on those lists.

  • EarthquakeDonger

    Magazine lists and covers are for sale. You just pay to be on them. This is why frauds love it, false legitimacy.

  • charliesk9unit

    So this is like the Sports Illustrated for the business world. If a person/team is featured on the cover, bet the opposing side. If it’s related to a public company, short it.

  • DiddlyDanq

    It’s not just forbes. It’s any N under N list. They require you you seek them out, nominate a person and sometimes pay a fee just to be included. Defeats the entire point of them. Same with guiness records too, pay them many thousands of dollars else you wont get recognized


    I speak english as my first language, but I find it difficult to follow what this guy is saying sometimes. I have no idea why, but it may be something with the pattern of his speech?

  • edbash

    A journalist corporation that espouses capitalist values and seems to be in the business only for profit, and with minimal concern about the truthfulness of their reporting. Who could have guessed? Plus, indications that they slant coverage to support their Chinese owners.

  • Wolfram_And_Hart

    I’ll remind everyone that Forbes called Trumps assistant to investigate his net worth. Trump answered in a fake voice and verified his income. They ran the richest people story without fact checking and this let Trump secure funding from a German bank.

  • Churntin

    I lost respect for them years ago. I worked for a crypto startup and we were covered by a forbes article. When I asked the CEO how we managed to land that he just said he paid for it.

  • soupjuice

    The financial news sector is a circle jerk – linked to the market makers and bucket brokers that create the Ponzi scheme that is the American stock market.

    Tell your parents.

  • _intravenous

    Forbes listed Vallejo, CA as one of the best places to live in California. Definitely have no credibility anymore.

  • rlamoni

    Patrick Boyle makes some seriously funny stuff. He never even cracks a smile, but half the things he says are funny when given a little thought. This video makes reference to two previous videos with a mention of wood-nymphs and gravity-powered trucks. I recommend you check out his back catalog, even if you don’t know anything about finance.

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