Saturday, July 27All That Matters

Foraging Drone Hoverfly

Foraging Drone Hoverfly

Foraging Drone Hoverfly

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  • Dalantech

    I found a male Drone Hoverfly (Eristalis tenax) foraging in a Dandelion that allowed me to shade it so I could use the flash to expose the critter and natural light to expose the background. Drone Hoverflies are frequently mistaken for honeybees.

    Tech Specs: Canon 90D (F11, 1/125, ISO 200) + a Canon MP-E 65mm macro lens (set to 1x) + a diffused MT-26EX-RT, E-TTL metering, -2/3 FEC. This is a single, uncropped, frame taken hand held. In post I used Topaz Clarity and Sharpen AI in that order. Shutter and ISO set to expose the sky in the background.

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