Wednesday, April 17All That Matters

First playable AAA game on release this year, and it’s June.

Diablo 4 is a lot of fun, but this isn’t specifically praising the game. People are happy about how great the soft-launch has been, but this should be standard. Why are we praising the bare minimum for a 70$+ game?

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  • BigDrakow

    Because they set the bar really low. Especially considering we need to somewhat praise a game from one of the worst SH out there.

  • Broad-Marionberry755

    Resident Evil 4 remake, Zelda, Dead Space, etc, etc, etc, etc

    >People are happy about how great the soft-launch has been, but this should be standard. Why are we praising the bare minimum for a 70$+ game?

    *world’s longest sigh* because as you just stated, there’s been a ton of shitty releases this year. Should people not be glad they’re able to play a game they paid for as intended?

  • Lookin-at-you-wotc

    I’m betting d4 launch went so smoothly because Activision only got a small turnout for release day compared with what they expected. Half the diablo players I know skipped this one.

  • MilenaShadow

    I mean there was quite a few people on here complaining about not being able to 3 day or whatever early access that they paid for… that doesn’t seem very smooth, there’s been weird “queuing” issues that have caused people to wait for an indeterminate amount of time without being able to play. It’s not been exactly playable for everyone. I love the diablo series but I can’t condone giving this company any more money… They’re far from the blizzard of old.

  • ftbscreamer

    Rather post on r/pcgaming, you are goingvto upset the locals lol.

    Also wait till the standard edition plebs can play, login server issues guaranteed.

  • Dantesdominion

    RE4 Remake, Street Fighter 6, and Zelda don’t count? SF6 literally came out days ago, and I’ve heard nothing but good things.

  • Otiknayluj

    First playable? What do you mean? There are a lot of AAA games that came out great this year and to be fair, considering their past, it’s a miracle that a Blizzard game came out this flawless.

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