Wednesday, April 10All That Matters

Everlong on a mall piano

Everlong on a mall piano

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  • audirt

    PSA to any piano teachers reading: let your students play this kind of stuff. I took piano for like five years and in that time my teacher gave me a cool song — Piano Man — only one time. The rest of it was classical bullshit. And not cool classical, but very niche stuff. I finally quit after I spent 6+ months playing baroque pieces. I was constantly jealous of the kids playing guitar because they got to play music they enjoyed. Only later did I learn that I *could* have been playing fun stuff, it just wasn’t assigned to me ☹️

    Years later I regret my decision, but only kind of. I would love to be able to play an instrument, but that person was not the right teacher for me. I still wish I had gotten linked up with a different one that would have tried to keep me engaged.

  • Kahaleloa

    On a mall piano? He’s got custom electronics, a sign for his Instagram, and a roped off performance area…don’t think he just walked up to a “mall piano”.

  • truethatson

    That song will go down as one of the greats, if it hasn’t already. People who don’t know who the Foo Fighters know this song. First time I saw it live I had tears streaming down my face.

  • DaoOfNow

    That’s a nice looking mall. That hardwood floor would last all of a week in my local mall before being used as firewood in REI.

  • tits-mchenry

    This is a great version, but I always feel like so much of the song is lost without the drums. RIP Taylor.

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